2024 Fall Fund Drive

Parents need our help TODAY!


Please Donate for our Fall Fund Drive. Your support has the power to change lives!

The U.S. Surgeon General just released an official advisory on the mental health and wellbeing of parents. The report, Parents Under Pressure, focuses on all the stressors parents face and the impact that has on kids. The facts and statistics are a rousing call to action. Supporting Parent Trust is a great way to answer that call!

Parental stress is skyrocketing. You have felt it yourself, or heard it in the voice of a loved one saying, “I didn’t know it would be this hard.”

At Parent Trust, we know that supporting parents keeps families together.

Our work strengthens mental health across generations.

We help families solve problems, overcome trauma, access basic resources, and build the hope that allows parents and children to heal and thrive. You can hear that hope in the voices of our families:

“I don’t feel so alone anymore. I am so thankful for everything Parent Trust offers.”

Supporting Our Fund Drive has an immediate impact – your donation has the power to change a family’s life TODAY!

Our minimum suggested donation for Fall 2024 is $200. (Gifts of all amounts are welcome and deeply appreciated!)

If you have already donated thank you so much – your support changes everything for our families! Please help us by sharing our Fund Drive information with your friends and family today.

Your Donation in Action:

Parenting is filled with everything – with joy, with frustration, guilt, uncertainty and stress. Parenting is a roller coaster ride. 

Donating to Parent Trust helps families thrive – even when the odds are stacked against them.

Your support means we are here to help families, where they are and when they need us!

Together, we can keep kids safe and families strong.

  • $150: phone support for a distressed parent.
  • $250: workshop to prevent Shaken Baby Syndrome.
  • $500: 16-hour class for a new parent with low income.
  • $1,000: class session for 8 parents recovering from addiction.

Thank you for supporting Parent Trust and keeping kids safe.

Please follow the link to learn more about the U.S. Surgeon General’s report, Parents Under Pressure >>

Thank you to our generous 2024 Fall Fund Drive Sponsor:

Thank You for Supporting Parent Trust!

We have sponsorship levels available for families, friend groups, small companies and larger entities! Sponsoring is a meaningful way to create community and connection, while focusing on strengthening families and preventing child abuse. You can download our sponsorship information for families and small businesses or for larger entities.

Please email Lynn Marshall, our Development Director at lmarshall@parenttrust.org>>, with any questions you have about sponsorship.

Fall 2024 Family/Small Business Sponsorship Info Sheet >>

Fall 2024 Corporate Sponsorship Info Sheet >>