Parent Tips

Diorama Art

A diorama is a model that depicts a scene with 3-dimensional figures. It is usually presented in an enclosed space, some sort of frame or box.  You may have seen dioramas in a window display in a museum or at holiday times in a storefront. Ages:4-5 with help6+ independently Children usually love things in miniature, Read More

Sleep Information and Tips

For the majority of children, sleep problems steadily decline from infancy-5 years old. For a minority, continued problems with sleep regulation have been associated with adjustment and self regulation difficulties in school. Helping your child learn to sleep in their early childhood creates a lifelong skill! Sleep is part of your child’s social-emotional development, as Read More

Toddlers and Waiting

You’re trying to finish a phone call or have stopped to chat with someone you met while out shopping. This is the very moment your toddler decides they desperately need your attention! So, you say, “Wait–I’m busy.” This often causes an escalation of attention seeking behavior because toddlers don’t yet know how to “wait.” What Read More