It is so exciting when our babies start moving and grooving. We love to see our babies crawl! Some babies prefer to move forward with one side of their body while using the other side minimally or not at all. This means they rely more on one arm and one leg to propel themselves forward, Read More
Parent Tips
Creating A Baby Helping Plan – Who can you call for help?
Are you welcoming a new baby soon? Now is the perfect time to come up with a plan and contact list for support and help before you need it. We call it your Baby Helping Plan! Knowing who you can call when you need help is a great way to reduce your stress as a Read More
What is a Parenting Plan?
A Parenting Plan is the document that needs to be filed with your county’s superior court system to establish a custodial parenting schedule. It is the document that spells out when your child or children will be with you, and when they will be with the other parent. Learning how the process of filing a Read More
The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse
The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse >> By Charlie Mackesy All Ages – best read aloud to younger children because of cursive font. Barnes & Noble Book of the Year 2020 #1 New York Times Bestseller The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse is a small graphic novel of images with conversations, Read More
Talking with Your Teen About Social Media
You are the best person to help give your teen the tools they need to navigate the online world. Teens are often overwhelmed and need guidance, especially around online safety. Open and ongoing conversations about social media will help your teen make informed and responsible choices online. Here are some skills that will help your Read More
Cooking with Kids Is More Than Making Dinner
Cooking is a fantastic learning activity for kids because it combines hands-on practice, creativity, and the fun of tasting their creations. Cooking helps children develop important skills: 1. Patience: Cooking requires self-control. Kids get to practice following step by step instructions, waiting for things to rise, and waiting on baking times – a great example Read More