In 2009, Representative Mary Helen Roberts championed the need for all parents to receive new and expanded information to keep infants safe while they are sleeping.
Parent Trust for Washington Children co-chairs the Infant Safe Sleep Coalition to ensure that all parents of infants receive critical new information provided by the American Academy of Pediatrics to prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID) due to unsafe sleep environment.
The following information is provided by Mary Bridge Children’s >>
Tips for Safe Sleep
Put your baby to sleep on a firm surface. This could be a crib or a bassinet with a tightly fitted sheet. Babies should never sleep on an adult bed, couch, chair or pillow.
Keep soft objects and loose bedding out of the crib. Remove blankets, pillows, bumpers and toys. Dress your baby in a sleep sack or footed pajamas for warmth and safety.
Room-share—don’t bed-share. We all want our babies close by at night, but many have suffocated when sleeping next to a well-intentioned parent, sibling or pet—don’t risk it. Enjoy cuddling with your baby when breastfeeding or awake, but place them in their own crib when it’s time to sleep.
Breastfeed for the best protection. Breastfeeding reduces the risk of SIDS and many other health problems.
Place your baby on their back. Babies should never be put to sleep on their tummy or side.
Offer a pacifier. Don’t force the pacifier if your baby doesn’t want it. And when it falls out during sleep, there is no need to put it back in. Breastfeeding babies should wait until they are fully accustomed to nursing before introducing a pacifier (usually about 3 to 4 weeks old).
Avoid overheating and over-bundling. Dress your baby in light sleep clothing and keep the room at a temperature that is comfortable for an adult.
Keep your baby’s environment smoke-free. For help quitting, go to smokefree.gov.
Avoid alcohol and illicit drug use during and after pregnancy. Both increase your child’s risk of SIDS.
Avoid devices marketed to reduce SIDS. This includes wedges, positioners, special sleep surfaces and home-monitoring equipment. There is no evidence that they are safe or effective.
Encourage supervised tummy time when baby is awake. Tummy time helps to strengthen your child’s upper body and minimizes flattening on the back of the head.
Keep your child’s immunizations up-to-date. Recent studies show that immunizations have a protective effect against SIDS.
Request a Safe Sleep Card
Contact our Family Help Line to request free Safe Sleep cards while supplies last.