Empathy Overpowers Anger

Parents who are strong enough to let kids experience the consequences of their actions also need to help kids feel loved. Too often parents or teachers mete out consequences with anger. Missing empathy, the child feels no love and blames others for his/her own mistakes. A parent recently told a nationally-known educator on child discipline Read More

Teen Rules

Safety Net Or Butterfly Net? All children want and need limits:although they’ll never admit it. It’s pretty basic and yet very complex. Without limits, kids feel insecure. Limits give children a sense of safety, knowing they can only go so far. It makes them feel like part of a protective whole – a member of Read More


Almost a third of US students in grades six through ten are involved in moderate or frequent bullying: A 1998 study by the National Institute of Health found that nationwide, 3.2 million students were victims of bullying and 3.7 million were classified as bullies. Bullying is not “teasing”: Bullying is negative acts between children, carried Read More