Music for Sleep…Maybe Not

Parents truly appreciate the importance of a good night’s sleep.  A recent experiment  shows that listening to music before bed-contrary to much current advice-can actually reduce your quality of sleep. The study focused on the phenomenon of “earworms”–when a song or tune plays over and over again in a person’s mind.  Although this typically happens Read More

Spatial Awareness

Spatial sense is a basic math skill which is also important in many other aspects of life like art and nature. Think of it as how we understand shape, size, position and direction. It’s how we understand, describe and interact with the physical world around us. Well before geometry class, children can recognize and identify Read More


By the time your child is 4 years old they should be able to wash and dry their hands on their own. Younger children will need help, and sometimes older children might need assistance and/or supervision. But even adults don’t necessarily follow standard hand washing hygiene, despite hand washing being the number one way of Read More

Cooperative Play And Socialization

Do infants need to socialize? Many parents I work with wonder how important it is to socialize their infants—spending time with other children the same age–to develop social skills. Parents are usually surprised when I tell them that cooperative play and sharing skills don’t emerge until at least 3 years old! Infants tend to interact Read More