Add paint and sparkles to your average play dough recipe and voila! Snow Dough! Materials Needed 1 cup flour½ cup salt1/3 cup white powdered tempera paint1/3 cup silver glitter1 cup hot water2 Tbsp. oil1 Tbsp. cream of tartar Directions Mix together the above ingredients in a big bowl. Let your imagination run wild and begin Read More
Category: Family Fun
Ten Fun Things
10 Fun Things to Do with your family Read More
Road Trips
Tips for road trips with children Travel Goodies: Give each child a travel bag of goodies with each item in the bag individually gift-wrapped. Include things like a small box of crayons with coloring book, plastic toys, rubber stamps, etc. For older kids you can include puzzles, magazines, crazy sunglasses, hats, etc. They can open Read More
Paint The Yard
For this activity, you will be “pretend painting” the yard or playground. It is lots of fun for the children to watch any wooden or brick playground equipment get wet: it can seem to turn color when wet, and then as the water dries, the regular color returns. If you have big house-paint size brushes Read More
My Favorite Disc
This is an activity to do with your child; remember; the point is to have fun, not to make the project look perfect. Materials Preparation: Create the “My Favorites” disc.To create your own disc, you can use either paper plates (one per child) or trace and cut out a circle shape from an 8 1/2 Read More
Matching Game
This activity is good for children 4 years old and up. Of course you can buy a matching game at the toy store, but part of the fun of this activity is making it with your children! Materials: Directions Read More