Early learning (and school readiness) isn’t about knowing just the ABC’s and 1,2,3’s. It’s not only about what a child learns, but also about how they think, interact with their environment, how they see themselves and their community, and much more. What does playing “What’s In The Box” accomplish? Preparation: How to play: © Parent Read More
Category: Early Learning
Peek A Boo
What does playing Peek-A-Boo accomplish? You can’t force skill development. Although there are typical developmental stages that occur usually at certain ages, you can’t force a child to develop a skill like object permanence. Think of it instead as providing the healthy environment that can stimulate this development. Remember that children are just not capable Read More
Children re-create a restaurant environment with a combination of imagination, creativity, maybe some tables/chairs, some toys and art supplies What does playing Restaurant accomplish? How to play: One ore more children can be the waiters, and one or more children can be the customers. The customers sit at a table (or on the floor). The Read More
Grandma’s House
What does playing early learning games accomplish? When can you play Grandma’s House? Since this talking game requires no “props”, you can play anytime. As a bedtime ritual, getting ready in the morning, during a long car ride, instead of TV, while you are doing chores together while taking a hike-anytime you want! How to Read More
Help Your Child With Conversation Parents who use an elaborate conversation style with their child, in which they draw them out to elicit detailed memories about past, shared events, can help their child: What is an elaborate conversation style? When you have an elaborate conversation with your child, you: Children are much more likely to Read More
Self Control
Self-control is sometimes described as the ability to limit one’s impulses in the absence of an authority figure. It is often related to one’s developing sense of ethics and values. For example: A 10-year-old child is in a store and sees a pack of gum. They want that pack of gum, but don’t have any Read More