What should you do when children lie? First, recognize that when a child lies it is a sign of cognitive development! No one is born with the ability to lie. Being able to lie is a step in developing higher thinking abilities! The ability to lie develops around the age of three. Read More
Category: Child Development
Are We Having Fun Yet?
Finding time to play with my kids can be really hard!Do not feel bad if you are not just THRILLED with the idea of FAMILY FUN TIME. Some parents HATE playing-that is just a fact. Other parents enjoy playing, but feel like they have 100 other things they should be doing. These are normal feelings-don’t Read More
Giving Control Without Giving It Away
We often hear how wise it is to give our children a certain about of freedom and control over their lives. However, children who have more control than they know how to handle often act out in unbelievable ways to show us that they need limits. It’s almost as if they are saying, “How bad Read More
When Our Children Really Think
Don’t be surprised if your 13-year-old replaces her play-by-play description of her day with angry outbrusts. What is happening is a gradual, almost magical shift in the way your child thinks. Up until the early teens, a child thinks immaturely with little ability to conceptualize. But around age 13, a young person begins to think Read More
Riding the Wave
Surviving The Teen Years The teen years are like so many crashing waves that are so large we think they will surely drown us. We’ll do a number of things Question: If you swim into the natural path of a crashing wave, do you tell the wave to stop or do you prepare yourself for Read More
You Can’t Make Me
Backtalk is a natural part of growing up. It’s another way of testing limits. Try to find humor in the situation. If you can keep your sense of humor, backtalk will be just one more of those annoying things kids do, and not the end of the world. Who Me?Does your child sound like anyone Read More