Card games are great for low cost fun and learning! When I was very young, my Grammy taught me how to play gin rummy and a few other card games. I will always remember being amazed at how fast she could shuffle the cards! I had graduated beyond WAR and Go Fish. Grammy was an Read More
Posts by Parent Trust
Physical Activity And Sleep
Even moderate physical activity helps with sleep. We know that physical activity benefits children’s health. But, did you know it also helps children sleep better? Even moderate activity can make a difference. Sleep Latency A 2009 study found that every hour of the day that children were inactive adds 3 minutes to the time it Read More
Print or E-Books for Reading
Reading with a child is one of the most basic ways to promote literacy. It also helps create a strong parent-child connection, can act as a transition to bed time, and can create a life-long love of books and reading. But these days, parents not only have to choose what book to read, they also Read More
The Mysterious Howling
The Mysterious Howling >> by Maryrose Wood (The Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place #1) ages 8-13 Who doesn’t love a good mystery? Children and adults will delight in the first entry of the Incorrigible Children series and be eager to keep reading through the conclusion, book #6.
Baking and Cooking
There are many ways to be creative. We often think of art projects for children’s creative activities, but cooking and baking are creative arts too. Children too young to read can assist parents by helping to add ingredients. Parents can support this helping behavior by pre-measuring ingredients and coaching their child when to add and Read More
Learning Apps and Marketing to Children
Parents want the best for their children. Many turn to “learning apps” that their children can “play” on phones, pads and computers. But, most parents might be dismayed to find out that 95% of apps marketed to children contain at least one form of advertising directed at children. And, often, these ads are not age Read More