Cooperative Play And Socialization

Do infants need to socialize? Many parents I work with wonder how important it is to socialize their infants—spending time with other children the same age–to develop social skills. Parents are usually surprised when I tell them that cooperative play and sharing skills don’t emerge until at least 3 years old! Infants tend to interact Read More

Flashlight Walk

This activity is a way to get more outside time for your children AND potentially help them settle down for sleep at night. If you were to try to get your children to take a walk around the neighborhood, maybe you’d get eye rolls and “boring!” comments. But, if you wait until it’s dark, give Read More

Relax in Nature

Spending time in nature is a stress management strategy that works for many people. And now there is a great research study that supports this! A recent study published in Scientific Reports has identified the time threshold for when time in nature is positively associated with good health and wellbeing. 120 minutes a week. “Spending Read More


The American Academy of Pediatrics recently released a report encouraging early introduction of peanut based foods to prevent allergies. There is a growing body of research that indicates early introduction of peanut-based foods to infants as early as 6 months (after other solid foods are tolerated) can prevent peanut allergies. “There is no reason to Read More

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